Sequoia Forest

What a change after the Death Valley to wander among some of the oldest (and biggest) trees on earth! The giant seqoias have been estimated to be 2000 – 3000 years old. Thanks to their fibrous bark that has a furry aspect (that must be why I like them so much) they can withstand fire and insect attacks. Very impressive. Less impressive are the hords of tourists that look like ants scrambling around the trees… Maybe these trees inspired Tolkien for his Ent-trees in Lord of the Rings (sorry, nerd-alarm!)? Anyway I was partly glad that they didn’t come alive so we wouldn’t get squished by their huge trunks like some hobbits. 🙂

And yes, I confess, I am a tree-hugger. But with these huge tress, hugging becomes virtually impossible! Recently added last picture to show the actual size (the light brown speck at the bottom of the tree is me).




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